JG2 “Richthofen” is broken down into 2 squadrons (Gruppes) within ACES HIGH.

I/JG2 CO Ripsnort.

II/JG2 CO Bee. (European)


We have players from all over the globe online 24 hours a day. JG2 also has two trainers that can spare time to help out with ‘adjustments’ one needs in a wide range of ACM. If you’re interested in flying with an organized, structured squadron that flys all aircraft available in AH, this is the squad. When flying Historical or Scenario type engagements, we fly Luftwaffe aircraft in true historical proportion. Friday nights at 10:00pmEST (3:00amGMT) and Sundays at 3:00pmEST(8:00pmGMT) is our squad nights.

On squad nights anyone can call a mission if they’d like, or we can reserve the time to train where it is needed. Below is a list of contacts and websites that put you more in touch with JG2. We also have a monthly newsletter, as well as limitless information on connections, joysticks, for all your flying pleasures.

IIf you decide this is the squad for you, email us at :

